#Sunset Fantasy Is Britney Spears's Most Decadent Dessert Perfume Yet https://s.yimg.com/g/images/spaceball.gif I love Britney Spears. ...
#Sunset Fantasy Is Britney Spears's Most Decadent Dessert Perfume Yet https://s.yimg.com/g/images/spaceball.gif
I love Britney Spears. We all love Britney Spears.
I always wonder if being a superstar is what she really wanted, or if after reaching her level of stardom, she decided she didn’t want it anymore. But what do you do? There are some heights that you can’t climb down from.
Throughout her career, she’s always said, almost with a tinge of longing, that if she wasn’t a pop star/worldwide icon/living legend, she’d be a school teacher. Imagine. Imagine being the most famous pop star in the world and having your fallback be a job teaching children in an elementary school teacher somewhere.
In 2008, Vanessa Grigoriadis told us, in her haunting and heartbreaking Rolling Stone cover story The Tragedy of Britney Spears, “For the past few years, Britney has begged friends to help her run away, to leave everything behind and become a stylist or schoolteacher, or move to an island where she can work as a bartender.”
Imagine vacationing in Bali or Key West and walking into a little beach bar and seeing a girl behind the bar that looks familiar, but you can’t quite figure out why. You swear you know her face, but now it’s a little happier, a little more tan from a few years on the beach. Imagine Britney Spears making you a Long Island iced tea in anonymity.
She never got her island. Not yet, at least (though if the Vegas money keeps coming in next year, she could probably just buy herself one). She does have everything else, though. A successful Vegas residency that just wrapped, another one on the books, an alleged new album, two sons, a home life that she loves, and a hot boyfriend.
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